Undergraduate Current Students | Academic Policies

Official academic policy information is exclusively in the University Bulletin. All other content, including this webpage, is for informational purposes only.

Academic Policies

On this page:

Academic Planning

Grades and Grading

Student Code of Conduct

At NYU Stern, we seek to engage our students, faculty, and alumni as lifelong partners in the process of learning, debate, and discovery. Academic and personal integrity are central to this mission. Read and understand the Student Code of Conduct

Travel Code of Conduct

Membership in a global campus community such as NYU/Stern requires mutual respect, consideration, and concern for the well-being of others as well as a significant degree of personal integrity and maturity. Read and understand the Travel Code of Conduct

Career Policies

The Stern Undergraduate College expects students to act with a high degree of integrity and professionalism as you pursue your career goals. Read and understand the NYU and Stern Career Policies.

Stern Policy in Regard to In-Class Behavior & Expectations

The following policies are assumed to be in force during all Stern courses unless an instructor explicitly establishes alternate policies. In addition to the below expectations, students are bound by University conduct policies, two of which are highlighted below:

Note: We modified and added to our section on University Property to address Zoombombing, sharing private links, access classrooms or sessions one is not invited to, etc.

University Properties (Misuse of)

Entering or remaining on or in any part of any University premises or virtual spaces and classrooms, without proper authorization. Use of University property or space, including virtual spaces and platforms, without proper authorization.

Laptops, Cell Phones & Other Electronic Devices

These devices may not be used in class with the exception of devices used for note-taking only, for which the policy is at the discretion of each individual instructor.

Attendance is required and part of the grade. Faculty will excuse absences only in the case of documented serious illness, family emergency, religious observance, or civic obligation. Please refer to NYU’s policy on Religious Holidays. In accordance with this policy, if you will miss class for religious observance or civic obligation, whenever possible, notify the faculty member in advance of such anticipated absence. Recruiting activities and business trips are not acceptable reasons for absence from class. If you are absent from the first day of an intensive course, the instructor may request that you be removed from the course.

Arriving Late, Leaving Early, Coming & Going
You are expected to arrive at class on time and stay until the end of the class period. Arriving late or leaving class early will have an impact on the course grade. You may enter class late only if given permission by the instructor and can do so without disrupting the class. (Note: instructors are not obligated to admit late students or may choose to admit them only at specific times. Instructors are not obligated to readmit students who leave class.)

Late Submission of Assignments
Late assignments will either not be accepted or will incur a grade penalty unless due to documented serious illness or family emergency. Instructors will make exceptions to this policy for reasons of religious observance or civic obligation, only when the assignment cannot reasonably be completed prior to the due date and the student makes arrangements for late submission with the instructor in advance.

General Behavior
You must conduct yourself with respect and professionalism toward faculty, students, and others present in class and follow the instructor’s rules for classroom behavior. If you fail to do so, you may be asked to leave the classroom.

Collaboration on Graded Assignments
Students may not work together on graded assignments unless the instructor gives express permission. (Please refer to the NYU Stern Code of Conduct)

Recording Classes
At any time, your classes may be recorded for educational purposes.

Grading in Stern Undergraduate Classes

Grading Guidelines for Core Courses at the Stern Undergraduate College

NYU Stern strives to create courses that challenge you intellectually and that meet the Stern standards of academic excellence. To ensure fairness and clarity of grading, the Stern faculty has adopted a grading guideline for core courses with enrollment of more than 25 students, in which approximately 35% of students will receive an “A” or “A-” grade. In core courses of less than 25 students, the instructor is at liberty to give whatever grades he or she reasons the students deserve while maintaining rigorous academic standards. For elective courses, the individual instructor or department is responsible for determining reasonable grading guidelines.

Effective fall 2018, new grade point values have been assigned to letter grades. Listed in the chart below are the full range of letter grades and the numerical values used in the computation of the grade point average prior to fall 2018 and going forward. Grades and grade point averages prior to fall 2018 will not change.

Letter GradePoint Value prior to fall 2018 Point Value as of fall 2018
A [1]4.0 Excellent4.0
B3.0 Good3.0
C2.0 Satisfactory2.0
D1.0 Passing1.0
F0.0 Failing0.0

For example, an A in a 4-unit course earns the student 16 grade points (4 x 4.0); a B in a 4-unit course earns 12 grade points (4 x 3.0), and so on.

The following grades are registrar’s grades and cannot be recorded by an instructor. They are without numerical value and are ones for which credit is not granted except as noted. W—This is a registrar’s grade assigned when a student officially withdraws from a course. P—This is a registrar’s grade assigned when the student has registered for a course under the pass/fail option when credit is granted or for non-credit courses.

[1] No grade above A or value above 4.0 may be used.

Pass/Fail Option

Learn more about Stern’s Pass/Fail Policy

The pass/fail option is designed to encourage students to explore new and potentially challenging courses throughout the University. The following parameters apply to the pass/fail option: