CACI No. 2020. Public Nuisance - Essential Factual Elements

Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (2024 edition)


2020 . Public Nuisance - Essential Factual Elements

[ Name of plaintiff ] claims that [he/she/ nonbinary pr onoun ] suf fer ed harm

because [ name of defendant ] created a nuisance. T o establish this claim,

[ name of plaintiff ] must prove all of the following:

1. That [ name of defendant ], by acting or failing to act, created a

condition or permitted a condition to exist that [ insert one or more

of the following: ]

1. [was harmful to health;] [or]

1. [was indecent or of fensive to the senses;] [or]

1. [was an obstruction to the free use of property, so as to interfere

with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property;] [or]

1. [unlawfully obstructed the free passage or use, in the customary

manner, of any navigable lake, or river, bay, stream, canal, or

basin, or any public park, square, street, or highway;] [or]

1. [was [a/an] [fire hazard/ specify other potentially dangerous

condition ] to [ name of plaintiff ]’s property;]

2. That the condition af fected a substantial number of people at the

3. That an ordinary person would be reasonably annoyed or

disturbed by the condition;

4. That the seriousness of the harm outweighs the social utility of

[ name of defendant ]’s conduct;

[5. That [ name of plaintiff ] did not consent to [ name of defendant ]’s

6. That [ name of plaintiff ] suf fered harm that was dif ferent from the

type of harm suf fered by the general public; and

7. That [ name of defendant ]’s conduct was a substantial factor in

causing [ name of plaintiff ]’s harm.

New September 2003; Revised December 2007, June 2016, November 2017, May

2019, November 2019

Directions for Use

Give this instruction for a claim for public nuisance. For an instruction on private

nuisance, give CACI No. 2021, Private Nuisance - Essential Factual Elements.

While a private nuisance is designed to vindicate individual land ownership

interests, a public nuisance is not dependent on an interference with any particular


rights of land: The public nuisance doctrine aims at the protection and redress of

community interests. ( Citizens for Odor Nuisance Abatement v . City of San Diego

(2017) 8 Cal.App.5th 350, 358 [213 Cal.Rptr .3d 538].)

There is some uncertainty as to whether lack of consent is an element (element 5)

or consent is a defense. Cases clearly list lack of consent with the elements. (See

Department of Fish & Game v . Superior Court (2011) 197 Cal.App.4th 1323, 1352

[129 Cal.Rptr .3d 719]; Birke v . Oakwood W orldwide (2009) 169 Cal.App.4th 1540,

1548 [87 Cal.Rptr .3d 602].) However , other cases have referred to consent as a

defense, albeit in the context of a nuisance action involving parties with interests in

the same property . (See Newhall Land & Farming Co. v . Superior Court (1993) 19

Cal.App.4th 334, 341-345 [23 Cal.Rptr . 2d 377]; Mangini v . Aerojet-General Corp.

(1991) 230 Cal.App.3d 1 125, 1 138-1 140 [281 Cal.Rptr . 827].)

Sources and Authority

• “Nuisance” Defined. Civil Code section 3479.

• Public Nuisance. Civil Code section 3480.

• Action by Private Person for Public Nuisance. Civil Code section 3493.

• Act Done Under Express Authority of Statute. Civil Code section 3482.

• Property Used for Dogfighting and Cockfighting. Civil Code section 3482.8.

• “[T]he exculpatory ef fect of Civil Code section 3482 has been circumscribed by

decisions of this court. . . . ‘ “A statutory sanction cannot be pleaded in

justification of acts which by the general rules of law constitute a nuisance,

unless the acts complained of are authorized by the express terms of the statute

under which the justification is made, or by the plainest and most necessary

implication from the powers expressly conferred, so that it can be fairly stated

that the Legislature contemplated the doing of the very act which occasions the

injury .” ’ ” ( V arjabedian v . City of Madera (1977) 20 Cal.3d 285, 291 [142

Cal.Rptr . 429, 572 P .2d 43], internal citation omitted.)

• “Public nuisance and private nuisance ‘have almost nothing in common except

the word “nuisance” itself.’ Whereas private nuisance is designed to vindicate

individual land ownership interests, the public nuisance doctrine has historically

distinct origins and aims at ‘the protection and redress of community inter ests .’

W ith its roots tracing to the beginning of the 16th century as a criminal of fense

against the crown, public nuisances at common law are ‘of fenses against, or

interferences with, the exercise of rights common to the public, ’ such as public

health, safety , peace, comfort, or convenience.” ( Citizens for Odor Nuisance

Abatement, supra, 8 Cal.App.5th at p. 358, original italics, internal citation

• “The elements of a public nuisance, under the circumstances of this case, are as

follows: (1) the 2007 poisoning obstructed the free use of property , so as to

interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property; (2) the 2007

poisoning af fected a substantial number of people; (3) an ordinary person would

be unreasonably annoyed or disturbed by the 2007 poisoning; (4) the seriousness



of the harm occasioned by the 2007 poisoning outweighed its social utility; (5)

plaintif fs did not consent to the 2007 poisoning; (6) plaintif fs suf fered harm as a

result of the 2007 poisoning that was dif ferent from the type of harm suf fered by

the general public; and (7) the 2007 poisoning was a substantial factor in

causing plaintif fs’ harm.” ( Department of Fish & Game, supra , 197 Cal.App.4th

at p. 1352 [citing this instruction].)

• “Where the nuisance alleged is not also a private nuisance as to a private

individual he does not have a cause of action on account of a public nuisance

unless he alleges facts showing special injury to himself in person or property of

a character dif ferent in kind from that suf fered by the general public.” ( V enuto v .

Owens Corning Fiber glas Corp. (1971) 22 Cal.App.3d 1 16, 124 [99 Cal.Rptr .

350], internal citations omitted; but see Birke, supra, 169 Cal.App.4th at p. 1550

[“to the extent V enuto . . . can be read as precluding an action to abate a public

nuisance by a private individual who has suf fered personal injuries as a result of

the challenged condition, we believe it is an incorrect statement of the law”].)

• “Unlike the private nuisance - tied to and designed to vindicate individual

ownership interests in land - the ‘common’ or public nuisance emerged from

distinctly dif ferent historical origins. The public nuisance doctrine is aimed at the

protection and redress of community interests and, at least in theory , embodies a

kind of collective ideal of civil life which the courts have vindicated by

equitable remedies since the beginning of the 16th century .” ( People ex r el.

Gallo v . Acuna (1997) 14 Cal.4th 1090, 1 103 [60 Cal.Rptr .2d 277, 929 P .2d

• “[W]hen the nuisance is a private as well as a public one, there is no

requirement the plaintif f suf fer damage dif ferent in kind from that suf fered by the

general public. That is, the plainti ff ‘ “does not lose his rights as a landowner

merely because others suf fer damage of the same kind, or even of the same

degree . . . .” ’ ” ( Birke, supra , 169 Cal.App.4th at p. 1551, internal citations

• “A public nuisance cause of action is established by proof that a defendant

knowingly created or assisted in the creation of a substantial and unreasonable

interference with a public right.” ( People v . ConAgra Grocery Pr oducts Co.

(2017) 17 Cal.App.5th 51, 79 [227 Cal.Rptr .3d 499].)

• “Of course, not every interference with collective social interests constitutes a

public nuisance. T o qualify . . . the interference must be both substantial and

unreasonable.” ( People ex r el. Gallo, supra , 14 Cal.4th at p. 1 105.)

• “It is substantial if it causes significant harm and unreasonable if its social utility

is outweighed by the gravity of the harm inflicted.” People v . ConAgra Grocery

Pr oducts Co., supra , 17 Cal.App.5th at p. 1 12.)

• “The fact that the defendants’ alleged misconduct consists of omission rather

than af firmative actions does not preclude nuisance liability .” ( Birke, supra , 169

Cal.App.4th at p. 1552 [citing this instruction], internal citation omitted.)

• “A nuisance may be either a negligent or an intentional tort.” ( Stoiber v .



Honeychuck (1980) 101 Cal.App.3d 903, 920 [162 Cal.Rptr . 194], internal

citation omitted.)

• “Nuisance liability is not necessarily based on negligence, thus, ‘one may be

liable for a nuisance even in the absence of negligence. [Citations.]’ However ,

‘ “where liability for the nuisance is predicated on the omission of the owner of

the premises to abate it, rather than on his having created it, then negligence is

said to be involved. . . .” [Citations.]’ ” ( City of Pasadena v . Superior Court

(2014) 228 Cal.App.4th 1228, 1236 [176 Cal.Rptr .3d 422], internal citations

• “An essential element of a cause of action for nuisance is damage or injury .”

( Helix Land Co., Inc. v . City of San Diego (1978) 82 Cal.App.3d 932, 950 [147

Cal.Rptr . 683].)

• “[M]ere apprehension of injury from a dangerous condition may constitute a

nuisance where it interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of property . . . .”

( McIvor v . Mercer -Fraser Co. (1946) 76 Cal.App.2d 247, 254 [172 P .2d 758].)

• “A fire hazard, at least when coupled with other conditions, can be found to be a

public nuisance and abated.” ( People v . Oliver (1948) 86 Cal.App.2d 885, 889

[195 P .2d 926].)

• “By analogy to the rules governing tort liability , courts apply the same elements

to determine liability for a public nuisance.” ( People ex r el. Gallo, supra , 14

Cal.4th at p. 1 105, fn. 3, internal citation omitted.)

• “The elements ‘of a cause of action for public nuisance include the existence of

a duty and causation.’ ” ( Melton v . Boustred (2010) 183 Cal.App.4th 521, 542

[107 Cal.Rptr .3d 481], internal citations omitted.)

• “[L]iability for nuisance does not hinge on whether the defendant owns,

possesses or controls the property , nor on whether he is in a position to abate the

nuisance; the critical question is whether the defendant cr eated or assisted in the

cr eation of the nuisance .” ( People v . ConAgra Gr ocery Pr oducts Co. , supra , 17

Cal.App.5th at p. 109, original italics.)

• “Causation is an essential element of a public nuisance claim. A plaintif f must

establish a ‘connecting element’ or a ‘causative link’ between the defendant’ s

conduct and the threatened harm.” ( Citizens for Odor Nuisance Abatement,

supra, 8 Cal.App.5th at p. 359 [citing this instruction], internal citation omitted.)

• “Causation may consist of either ‘(a) an act; or [¶] (b) a failure to act under

circumstances in which the actor is under a duty to take positive action to

prevent or abate the interference with the public interest or the invasion of the

public interest.’ A plaintif f must show the defendant’ s conduct was a ‘substantial

factor ’ in causing the alleged harm.” ( Citizens for Odor Nuisance Abatement,

supra, 8 Cal.App.5th at p. 359 [citing this instruction], internal citation omitted.)

• “ ‘Where negligence and nuisance causes of action rely on the same facts about

lack of due care, the nuisance claim is a negligence claim.’ The nuisance claim

‘stands or falls with the determination of the negligence cause of action’ in such



cases.” ( Melton, supra , 183 Cal.App.4th at p. 542, internal citations omitted.)

• “[W]here, as here, an owner of property seeks damages for creation of a

nuisance by a prior lessee, the lessee has a defense that his use of the property

was lawful and was authorized by the lease; i.e., his use of the property was

undertaken with the consent of the owner .” ( Mangini, supra, 230 Cal.App.3d at

p. 1 138, original italics.)

• “Nor is a defense of consent vitiated simply because plaintif fs seek damages

based on special injury from public nuisance. ‘Where special injury to a private

person or persons entitles such person or persons to sue on account of a public

nuisance, both a public and private nuisance, in a sense, are in existence.’ ”

( Mangini, supra, 230 Cal.App.3d at p. 1 139.)

• “[W]here the law expressly declares something to be a nuisance, then no inquiry

beyond its existence need be made and in this sense its mere existence is said to

be a nuisance per se. [Citation.] But, to rephrase the rule, to be considered a

nuisance per se the object, substance, activity or circumstance at issue must be

expressly declared to be a nuisance by its very existence by some applicable

law .” ( People v . ConAgra Gr ocery Pr oducts Co. , supra , 17 Cal.App.5th at p.

Secondary Sources

13 W itkin, Summary of California Law (1 1th ed. 2017) Equity , § 152

Greenwald & Asimow , California Practice Guide: Real Property T ransactions, Ch.

5-D, Common Law Envir onmental Hazar ds Liability , ¶¶ 5:140-5:179 (The Rutter

California Real Property Remedies and Damages (Cont.Ed.Bar 2d ed.) Ch. 1 1,

Remedies for Nuisance and T respass, § 11.7

2 Levy et al., California T orts, Ch. 17, Nuisance and T r espass , §§ 17.01-17.04,

17.06 (Matthew Bender)

34 California Forms of Pleading and Practice, Ch. 391, Nuisance , § 391.12

(Matthew Bender)

16 California Points and Authorities, Ch. 167, Nuisance , § 167.20 et seq. (Matthew

California Civil Practice: T orts §§ 17:1-17:3 (Thomson Reuters)


Page last reviewed May 2024

Rodger Citron

In this two-part series of columns, Touro University, Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center professor Rodger D. Citron examines Chief Justice John Roberts’s leadership of the Supreme Court over multiple terms, focusing on his apparent dual objectives of balancing political attunement and advancing conservative ideology.

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