Ratio and Scale Factor of Volumes and Surface Areas Worksheets

Escalate your learning with these printable worksheets, investigate how the ratio of surface areas and volumes of solid figures are influenced by the scale factor. Lined up here are scale factor - surface area and volume worksheets for grade 8 and high school students, featuring exercises to compare the similar solid shapes, figure out their scale factor, surface area and volume; find the ratio of surface areas and volumes; side lengths and more. PDFs are available in customary and metric units. Kick into gear with our free worksheets!

Select the Measurement Units U.S. Customary Units Metric Units

Scale Factor Relationship to Surface Area and Volume

Incorporate these worksheets consisting of solid shapes, observe and compare the enlarged or reduced image with the original image and deduce the scale factor and ratios of surface areas and volumes.

Scale Factor of Volumes & Surface Areas

Reinforce the concept of scale factor with this set of printable worksheets. Determine the scale factor of surface area or volume of the original image to the dilated image.

Scale Factor, <a href=Ratio of Surface Areas and Volumes - Table Form" width="190" height="250" />

The table format exercise featured here, assists in analyzing the relationship between scale factor, surface area and volume. Determine the surface area, volume and the ratios of the original and dilated figures.

Ratio of Volumes and Surface Areas

Included here are simple word problems to compute the ratio of surface areas and volumes based on the given scale factor.

Surface Area of Similar Figures | Level 1

Featuring exercises and word problems to find the surface area of the enlarged or reduced 3D shape using the given scale factor, this set of worksheets is surely a must-have among students.

Surface Area of Similar Figures | Level 2

Surpass your peers with the 15+ practice problems depicting similar three-dimensional figures along with their side lengths. Obtain the scale factor, equate its square to the ratio of the surface areas, and solve for the missing SA.

Volume of Similar Figures | Level 1

Recapitulate how scale factors affect the volume of similar solids and equate the ratio of the volumes to the cube of the scale factor to solve the missing volumes here.

Volume of Similar Figures | Level 2

Umpteen similar solid figures are presented in these 8th grade and high school worksheets, determine the volume of the original or dilated image based on the side length.

Surface Area and Volume of Similar Figures | Level 1

Engage yourself in these pdf worksheets presenting a series of word problems to find the surface area or volume of the indicated 3D figure similar to another. Equate the square or cube of the scale factors with the apt ratios and solve.

Surface Area and Volume of Similar Figures | Level 2

Build on your skills finding the unknown surface area using the volumes and unknown volume using the surface areas. Set up the equation using the relevant ratios, cross multiply, and solve.

Find the Sides of Similar Figures

Offering a perfect blend of similar figures and word problems, these printable worksheets contain exercises to find the labeled sides of the original or dilated solid figure based on the given surface area or volume.