Market reports real estate market Leipzig


Our market reports provide a strong foundation of solid market information for your property decisions. Learn all you need to know about the latest developments in the real estate market in Leipzig with us!

Our research team is happy to provide you with market reports on the real estate market on a regular basis. The team works hand in hand with the interdisciplinary network formed by our divisions and locations to provide you with an extensive overview of property-related developments throughout Germany and details of the real estate markets of the largest German cities: Berlin, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig and Munich.

Logistikmarkt Leipzig BNPPRE

Logistics market Leipzig

The Leipzig logistics market recorded take-up of 88,000 sqm in the first half of the year. This corresponds to a decrease of 52% compared to the same .

Büromarkt Leipzig

Office market Leipzig

With take-up totalling 59,000 sqm in H1 2024, the Leipzig office market recorded a comparable volume as in the same period of the previous year (62 .

Investmentmarkt Leipzig

Investment market Leipzig

In the first half of 2024, an investment volume of around €226 million was registered on the Leipzig commercial real estate market. The result is .

Logistikmarkt Leipzig BNPPRE

Logistics market Leipzig

In the first quarter of 2024, the Leipzig warehouse and logistics market registered a take-up of 62,000 m². This represents a significant increase of .

Investmentmarkt Leipzig

Investment market Leipzig

An investment volume of around €76 million was registered on the Leipzig market in the first three months of 2024.

Büromarkt Leipzig

Office market Leipzig

In the first quarter of 2024, a take-up of 18,000 m² was registered, slightly below the previous year's figure (-10%). Leipzig's office market has .

Logistikmarkt Leipzig BNPPRE

Logistics market Leipzig

Despite the continuing tense macroeconomic situation, Leipzig's warehouse and logistics market performed strongly in 2023 with a take-up of 323,000 m² .

Investmentmarkt Leipzig

Investment market Leipzig

The development of the German commercial property investment market in 2023 was dominated by rising interest rates and the resulting increase in .

Büromarkt Leipzig

Office market Leipzig

The Leipzig office market was able to withstand the challenging macroeconomic conditions in 2023 and experienced good letting momentum in the last 12 .

Logistikmarkt Leipzig BNPPRE

Logistics market Leipzig

Despite the economic downturn, Leipzig's logistics market has remained very solid so far this year. Although the strong result of the previous year .

Investmentmarkt Leipzig

Investment market Leipzig

After the first three quarters of 2023, the investment volume for commercial real estate in Leipzig amounts to €456 million.

Büromarkt Leipzig

Office market Leipzig

In contrast to almost all other major German office locations, the Leipzig office market is defying the difficult economic environment.

Logistikmarkt Leipzig BNPPRE

Logistics market Leipzig

Despite challenging economic conditions, the Leipzig logistics market continues its series of high take-up volumes in the first half of 2023. At 185 .

Investmentmarkt Leipzig

Investment market Leipzig

By mid-2023, the investment volume for commercial real estate in the Leipzig market area amounts to € 236 million. This corresponds to a decline of .

Büromarkt Leipzig

Office market Leipzig

With a total take-up of 62,000 m², the Leipzig office market once again achieved a good mid-year result, which is just above the long-term average (58 .

Logistikmarkt Leipzig BNPPRE

Logistics market Leipzig

The Leipzig logistics market achieved a take-up of 44,000 m² in the first quarter and thus remains below both the previous year's result (-51 %) and .

Investmentmarkt Leipzig

Investment market Leipzig

The changed and still difficult economic circumstances have also had an impact on Leipzig's investment market. In particular, the sharp rise of .

Büromarkt Leipzig

Office market Leipzig

The Leipzig office market review on a satisfactory start to the year in the first quarter, particularly against the background of the continuing tense .

Investmentmarkt Leipzig

Investment market Leipzig

The Leipzig investment market was highly resilient in 2022 despite the increasingly expensive financing conditions as well as the deteriorating .

Büromarkt Leipzig

Office market Leipzig

The Leipzig office market achieved a take-up of 130,000 m² in 2022 and thus a slightly above-average result in a long-term comparison (+2.4%). While .

Logistikmarkt Leipzig BNPPRE

Logistics market Leipzig

With a take-up of 398,000 m², the Leipzig logistics market achieves its second-best ever result in 2022. It is an impressive 42 % above the ten-year .

Logistikmarkt Leipzig BNPPRE

Logistics market Leipzig

Leipzig's logistics market was very dynamic in the first three quarters. Although last year’s record result was missed by around 12%, take-up still .

Büromarkt Leipzig

Office market Leipzig

The positive development on the Leipzig office market continued as in the same period last year. With take-up of 101,000 m², last year's record was .

Investmentmarkt Leipzig

Investment market Leipzig

In the first nine months of the year, a transaction volume of €617 million was generated on the Leipzig investment market.

Do you still have questions? Our comprehensive expertise and market presence nationwide enable us to provide reliable answers to your local and individual questions at any time. Contact us now!

Your contact

Inga Schwarz Head of Research

In my role as Head of Research, I use my more than 20 years of experience in the real estate industry to lead the BNP Paribas Real Estate research team in Germany. In doing so, I play a significant role in making the property markets throughout Germany more transparent for our clients. Focusing on strategic research and effectively gathering data to subsequently analyse it with a targeted approach, I work together with my team to successfully detect trends and developments at an early stage before intelligently incorporating them into our business activities. My core responsibilities also involve supporting the consulting activities of my BNP Paribas Real Estate transaction colleagues nationwide.